
Getting Leads

Leads are the fuel source for the SFG system, putting agents in front of buyers and eliminating the need for most of the prospecting common in the insurance industry. OPT! is SFG’s custom lead management system, which allows agents to purchase leads and manage their lead/client database from the very first phone call through the sale and application submittal. Your mentors are here to assist you in creating a lead order that will fit your goals!

Accessing OPT!

After receiving OPT credentials, log in at www.sfgcrm.com (on your first visit, you will be prompted to set your password). The video below will guide you through the basics of using the OPT! system.

For technical difficulties with the OPT! lead management website, you can reach OPT! customer support at optsupport@optsoft.com or (908) 232-9968 between 8AM-3PM EST Monday-Friday.


  • “Instant Purchase” of leads is only available to agents who have been contracted for 3 months AND maintain an average minimum close ratio of 30%, an average submitted monthly premium of $7,500 and an average PPL minimum of $200.
  • Agents not meeting these qualifications may order leads through OPT! by clicking on the “Order Leads” tab, and will receive leads within 24-48 hours.
  • Standing A and Bonus Lead orders must be submitted using the lead order form. Submit via email or fax using the instructions on the form.


Result you want

Lead TypeCost Per LeadPreviously DistributedAge of LeadExclusive to Agent forTarget Appointment Ratio
Mortgage Protection AStarts at $28, depends on contract level (see SFG Promotion Guidelines)Never0-21 days5 weeks2 per 3 contacts
OA1 (Overstock A)$12.00Never22-60 days5 weeks1 per 2 contacts
OA2 (Overstock A)$10.00Never61-90 days5 weeks1 per 2-3 contacts
OA3 (Overstock A)$8.00Never91+ days5 weeks1 per 3-4 contacts
5A$5.99Once5 weeks-8 months
5 weeks1 per 4-5 contacts
4A$4.99Twice10 weeks-10 months5 weeks1 per 5-6 contacts
3A$3.99Up to 3 times15 weeks-12 months5 weeks1 per 6-7 contacts
2A$2.99Up to 4 times20 weeks-18 months5 weeks1 per 7-8 contacts
1A$1.99Up to 5 times5-35 months3 months1 per 9-10 contacts
50¢50¢Up to 6 times8-50 months3 months1 per 10-15 contacts
CI (Call-In Mortgage Lead)$14.00Never0-21 days5 weeks1 per 2 contacts
CI2 (Call-In Mortgage Lead, phone # captured by caller ID)$7.00Never0-21 days5 weeks1 per 3-4 contacts
Final Expense AStarts at $24, depends on contract level (see SFG Promotion Guidelines)Never0-21 days5 Weeks2 per 3 contacts

When distributed to a standing order, 2 CI Leads are counted as 1 A Lead. If a sale is not made on a CI Lead within 5 weeks of distribution as an A Lead, it rolls into the 3A bonus lead category. A CI Lead not distributed within 21 days of receipt rolls to the 5A bonus lead category (therefore, a CI lead found in the 5a or 4a category has never been distributed). Once introduced to the bonus categories, a CI Lead follows the same schedule as all mortgage leads.

Lead Credits (Link)



Next: M.A.C.C.