Looks like you’re ready to start studying, so let’s get to it!
To enroll:
Go to ExamFX.com and select Register Now
Select Insurance Courses
In “Product Details,” enter kkrahlsfg@gmail.com as your manager’s email address. (This activates a discount; we will underwrite $149.01 of your course, making your part $43.99)
In “Select Product,” choose Insurance Prelicensing and your state of residence
In “Select Training,” choose Life and Health
In “Select Package,” choose the Video Study Package
Continue through add-ons (you probably won’t need any of these)
Follow the prompts to create an account and complete your registration
Send your mentor a text to let them know you’ve started studying and to set your anticipated completion date
Watch your e-mail! As soon as you register for your course, we’ll invite you to join our Friday and Monday agency Zoom meetings while you’re completing your course. Set a reminder in your calendar and get to know the team!
Here are some resources to help:
As soon as you’ve completed your course,